Welcome to H-Net Reviews!
Below, you will find instructions for working with the Reviews Management System (RMS). You can also download and print the full instructions (without screenshots) here. If you have any questions about the RMS or the review editing process, please contact the Managing Editor of H-Net Reviews, Yelena Kalinsky, at yelena@mail.h-net.org. If you have a book-related question, please e-mail revhelp@mail.h-net.org.
Step 1. Logging In
The Reviews Management System (RMS) homepage can be found at:
The first time you log in, you will be asked to accept or decline the terms of the Creative Commons license. Reviews published on H-Net are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, which gives readers permission to download and share reviews with proper attribution and prohibits them from changing reviews in any way or using them commercially.

Once you accept the license, you will not be shown this screen again. If you decline, you will not be able to use the RMS or review for H-Net Reviews.
The left sidebar will contain all the tools you need to work in the RMS. The 'My Reviews' link under the 'Reviews' menu will take you to your in-progress and published reviews. The 'Information' menu contains links to these instructions, your profile, and other useful information.
Step 2. Reviews Management
Managing your profile:
- Your review editor will create a profile for you in the H-Net People section.
When you first log in, click 'View
My Profile' in the left sidebar to
pull up your H-Net People profile.
Click the 'Edit Profile' button
at the bottom of the page to enter
or change your contact information,
affiliation, and other information.
- Check to be sure that the e-mail and mailing address are correctly listed, as these will be used for correspondence with the H-Net editors and for mailing your review copies.
- Click the 'Update Profile' button at the bottom of the page to save changes. To return to the RMS, you will need to go back to https://www.h-net.org/revmgt/.
Receiving your review copy:
When you are assigned a book for review, the review editor will arrange for you to receive a review copy from H-Net. Please check your profile to make sure that H-Net has your correct mailing address. Allow several weeks for the publisher to respond to the request. If you do not receive the book or hear from H-Net within a month, you can write your review editor to check the progress of the order. Once you receive it, the review copy is yours to keep.
Submitting a review in TinyMCE:
When you are assigned a review, the review editor will create a new review record for you in the RMS. This is where you will go to access the TinyMCE text editor and where you will submit and edit your review.
- Log into the RMS and click on the My Reviews link in the left sidebar.
Use the drop-down menus to
filter the list by network (if you
review for more than one network)
and status. New reviews will have
the status 'Under Review.'
(This is the only status in which
you will be able to work and save
changes during the review process.)
Click on the title of the new
review in the search results to pull
up its review record. The review
record will contain a link to the
book's record in the inventory
and will list the details of
the review, including the review
editor, network, and reviewer.
- The 'Review History' section at the bottom of the review record tracks the review as it makes its way through the review process. Each status line under 'Review History' represents a different step, indicated by a different review status. For more on the meaning of the different review statuses, see below.
When you open the review
record for the first time,
you will see only one line in
the Review History section, which
will be marked 'Under Review.'
Click on the 'edit' link to
the right of this status line to
access the TinyMCE text editor.
- Type or copy and paste the text of your review directly into TinyMCE. You can use the toolbar above the text box to format the text. The track changes function will highlight any new text in pink.
- Once you are satisfied with your review, click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the screen.
When the review record reappears,
use the drop-down menu at the bottom
of the page to change the status of
the review from 'Under Review'
to 'Review Editing.' This will
alert the review editor that your
review is ready for editing.
- Your submission is now complete. See below for instructions on the editing process.
Working with track changes in TinyMCE:
- Once you submit a review using TinyMCE and change the review status from 'Under Review' to 'Review Editing,' the review will go to the H-Net editors for editing. You can view the progress of the review by clicking the 'view' or 'edit' buttons to the right of each status line, but you will not be able to make or save changes in any status other than 'Under Review.'
- If the review editor or the copyeditor requests additional changes from you, the author, the review status will be changed back to 'Under Review' and you will be able to make appropriate changes.
- If a review status is returned to 'Under Review,' you will find any comments or requests for changes in the 'Comments' section of the review record or in all caps within the body of the review. Tracked changes will be highlighted in pink (for additions) and grey with a strikeout (for deletions).
You can accept changes by clicking the green
checkmark in the tool bar above the text.
Once you make your desired changes, you
will again click the 'Saved Changes'
button at the bottom of the screen and
change the status back to 'Review
- When the review process is complete, the review editor will change the review status to 'Published,' and the review will be simultaneously published on H-Net Reviews, e-mailed to Reviews subscribers, and exported and published to H-Net Commons, where it will appear under the Reviews tab.
Review status and workflow:
The status of a review can be found under the Review History section of the review record and indicates where the review is in the review process. The status of a review is set by different individuals as the review works its way through the system. The ability to set a particular status is reserved to specific individuals, as follows:
Under Review - The item has been assigned to a reviewer by a review editor and the reviewer is in the process of writing the review. This status is available to reviewers and review editors. Occasionally, a reviewer will send his or her review as a Word file, and the review editor may enter it into TinyMCE.
Review Editing - A draft of the review has been submitted by the reviewer into revmgt and is awaiting content editing by the review editor. This review status is only available to review editors. Copyeditors may return copy-edited reviews back to 'Review Editing' status with questions or requested changes.
Copy Editing - The review has gone through content editing by the review editor and is now awaiting H-Net copyediting. This review status is only available to H-Net copyeditors.
Prepublication - The copyeditor has returned the review to the review editor for publication with no further changes necessary. Only copyeditors can set a review to 'Prepublication' status. This is the last step before publication.
Published - The review has been published to the network and to H-Net Reviews. Only review editors can change a review status from 'Prepublication' to 'Published.'
Cancelled - The review was not completed or judged unsuitable for publication and cancelled by the review editor.