H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online

Review Editor Checklist

H-Net reviews editors have broad leeway in managing their networks’ review programs and schedules. However, there are a number of regular duties that all active and on-duty review editors are expected to carry out. These tasks are as follows:

  1. Seek out and assign books for review.
    • Check the Recommended queue for books recommended for your network. (Inventory > Browse Library, filter by list and status=Recommended.)
    • Check the library for recently received books that you may wish to review. (Inventory > Browse Library, filter by list=Any, status=Unreserved.)
  2. Maintain communication with reviewers and copyeditors throughout the review process.
    • Answer any reviewer questions promptly.
    • To reach the H-Net book clerks about a book-related issue, email revhelp@mail.h-net.org.
    • To reach the copy editors regarding a review issue, email copyeditors@mail.h-net.org.
    • To reach the Managing Editor regarding any other H-Net Reviews-related matter, email yelena@mail.h-net.org.
  3. Edit and publish submitted reviews in a timely manner.
    • Check in-progress reviews to make sure they are progressing as expected. (Reviews > My Reviews, filter by list and status.)
    • Respond to copyeditor questions in TinyMCE and move reviews from ‘Review Editing’ to ‘Copy Editing’ status to proceed. (Reviews > My Reviews, filter by list and status=Review Editing.)
    • Publish reviews from the Prepublication queue without excessive delay. (Reviews > My Reviews, filter by list and status=Prepublication.)
  4. Keep track of book inventory.
    • Check the status of requested and ordered books and alert clerks if books are taking longer than one month to arrive. (Inventory > Browse Library, filter by list and status=Ordered or Requested.)
    • Check the status of reserved books and assign for review or set to Unreserved if a reviewer cannot be found. (Inventory > Browse Library, filter status=Reserved.)
H-Net Reviews Staff

Please contact the appropriate staff for help with any H-Net Reviews-related matter.

Book Clerks: revhelp@mail.h-net.org or 517-432-5134
Copyeditors, Basia Nowak and Charlotte Weber: copyeditors@mail.h-net.org
Managing Editor, Yelena Kalinsky: yelena@mail.h-net.org or 517-353-5223
Vice President for Publications, Robert Cassanello: vp-publications@mail.h-net.org