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Vishwa Adluri Hunter College |
List Affiliations: | Reviewer for H-Asia |
Reviews: | untitled |
Interests: | Classical Studies Humanities Philosophy Religious Studies and Theology South Asian History / Studies |
Bio: Dr. Vishwa Adluri Adjunct Assistant Professor, Hunter College 1241W, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065 973 216 7874 Monographs: Parmenides, Plato, and Mortal Philosophy: Return from Transcendence. London: Continuum Publishing, 2011. Edited volumes: Reading the Fifth Veda: Studies on the Mahabharata. Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel, volume 1. Leiden, Brill: 2011. (Co-edited with Joydeep Bagchee.) When the Goddess was a Woman, Mahabharata Ethnographies. Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel, volume 2. Leiden, Brill: 2011. (Co-edited with Joydeep Bagchee.) Greek Religion: Philosophy and Salvation. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming. Hegemony and Singularity: The Philosophy of Reiner Schürmann. (Ed.) Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, forthcoming. (Co-edited with Alberto Martinengo.) Articles: “A Theological Deconstruction of Metaphysics: Heidegger, Luther, and Aristotle.” Forthcoming in Epoché (Spring 2012). “The Perils of Textual Transmission: Decapitation and Recapitulation.” Seminar, no. 608, special issue titled The Enduring Epic: A Symposium on Some Concerns Raised in the Mahabharata (April 2010): 48-54; translated into French as “Les dangers de la transmission textuelle: décapitation et récapitulation” by G. Schaufelberger. “Hermeneutics and Criticism.” In Ways and Reasons for Thinking about the Mahabharata as a Whole. Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, 2010. “Hermeneutics and Narrative Architecture in the Mahabharata.” In Ways and Reasons for Thinking about the Mahabharata as a Whole. Pune: Bhandarkar Oriental Institute, 2010. “Derrida, Textuality, and Sacrifice.” Southwest Philosophical Studies, vol. 29 (Spring 2007). “Initiation into the Mysteries: Experience of the Irrational in Plato.” Mouseion, series III, vol. 6 (2006): 407-423. “Heraclitus on Thanatos: A Philosophical Interpretation.” Abstracts of the 136th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Philadelphia 2005; translated into French “Héraclite: «Thanatos», une interprétation philosophique” in Encyclopédie de l’Agora. “Night in Presocratic Thinking.” Abstracts of the 135th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Philadelphia 2004. “Two Headed Mortals in Parmenides.” Abstracts of the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Philadelphia 2003. “From Politics to Salvation through Philosophy: Herodotus’ Histories IX and Plato’s Republic X.” In Greek Religion: Philosophy and Salvation. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming. (Co-authored with John Lenz.) Translations: “Modernity and Plato: A Dynamic Relation.” Rochester: Camden House, 2011. A translation of Arbogast Schmitt, Die Moderne und Platon: Zwei Grundformen Europäischer Rationalität. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 2008. “Mysteries-Terminology in Plato, Philo and Clement of Alexandria.” Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Forthcoming. A translation of Christoph Riedweg, Mysterienterminologie in Platon, Philon und Klemens von Alexandrien. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1987. Book Reviews: Review of Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being: A Philosophical Interpretation, by Panagiotis Thanassas. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.3.18; Review of The Bhagavadgītā: Doctrines and Context, by Angelika Malinar. History of Religion, vol. 50, no. 1 (August 2010): 102–107. Review of The Sanskrit Epics’ Representation of Vedic Myths, by Danielle Feller. Asiatische Studien/ Études Asiatiques A LXIII, 2 (2009): 480-3. Review of Philosophie im Umbruch: Der Bruch mit dem Aristotelismus im Hellenismus und im späten Mittelalter - Seine Bedeutung für die Entstehung eines epochalen Gegensatzbewusstseins von Antike und Moderne, ed. by Arbogast Schmitt and Gyburg Radke-Uhlmann. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, forthcoming. Review of Die Vorsokratiker: Band II. Parmenides, Zenon, Empedokles. Selected Fragments and Testimonia, with German Translation and Commentary, by M. Laura Gemelli Marciano. Ancient Philosophy, forthcoming. Review of Heidegger’s Platonism, by Mark Ralkowski. International Journal of the Neoplatonic Tradition, forthcoming. Review of Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography, by Julian Young. New Nietzsche Studies, forthcoming. Review of Epic Undertakings. Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference, ed. by Robert Goldman and Muneo Tokunaga. The Journal of the American Oriental Society, forthcoming. Review of Bhagavad Gita: The Beloved Lord’s Secret Song, by Graham Schweig. International Journal of Hindu Studies, forthcoming. Bibliographic Entries: “Vedānta.” Oxford Bibliographies Online; “Philosophical Approaches to Hinduism.” Oxford Bibliographies Online; Professional Affiliations: American Philosophical Association American Philological Association Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Languages: Native speaker of English; reading knowledge of Ancient Greek, German, and French; advanced knowledge of Sanskrit. |