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Dorothy E. Aguilera <> Lewis and Clark College I am a new faculty member at Lewis and Clark College in the Educational Leadership Program, Portland, Oregon. I'm currently writing several manuscripts based on my dissertation research for publication. Recently, I co-edited a special issue for the National Center for Culturally Responsive Education Systems with seven articles targeting culturally responsive education for Native American, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian student populations. |
Address: | 0615 S.W. Palatine Hill Road Rogers Hall Portland, Oregon 97219 United States |
Primary Phone: | 503-768-6086 |
Secondary Phone: | 720-334-5943 |
Web Page: | |
List Affiliations: | List Editor for H-CAE |
Interests: | Native American History / Studies Research and Methodology |
Bio: CURRICULUM VITAE March 2006 Dorothy Elizabeth Aguilera Home: 720-334-5943 21991 E. Peakview Drive Fax: 720-870-0346 Aurora, Colorado 80016 E-mail: EDUCATION PhD 2003: University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, School of Education, Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice PhD Thesis: Who Defines Success? An Analysis of Competing Models of Education for American Indian and Alaskan Native Students M.A. l995 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; School of Education, Bilingual, Multicultural Foundations of Education, Policy and Practice Master’s Thesis: American Indian Education: Historical Review and Critical Examination of Contemporary Issues Facing American Indian Students in Urban Public Schools B.A. l992, Magna cum laude (with high honors), University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; Department of Communications; minor in Ethnic Studies, Department of Ethnic Studies Honor’s Thesis: Popular Culture's Myth of the American Indian in Romance Novels: an Analysis of the Depiction of Indian People in Fiction HONORS --1992, Magna cum laude, Department of Communications --1995, Title VII Bilingual Education Fellow, School of Education, Bueno Center, University of Colorado. Three-year fellowship for graduate research in education with socio-economically disadvantaged populations. EMPLOYMENT RESEARCH AND EVALUATION EXPERIENCE 2003 Research Assistant, National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt), University of Colorado-Denver. Assisted Dr. Janette Klingner in research and professional development projects including action plans, designing national institutes for providing technical assistance and support to state departments of education in support of culturally responsive education, participated in advisory research and professional development team meetings to support research on culturally responsive education 2003-2005 National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems’ (NCCRESt), University of Colorado-Denver; Co-editor for Special Issue concerning Culturally Responsive Practices in schools serving American Indian and Alaska Native Students 2002 (6 wk) Visiting Scholar, Mid Continent Regional Education Laboratory (McREL) Aurora, CO Project Title: Review of Literature for Effective Practices in Schools Serving American Indian and Alaska Native Student Populations 1999-2004 Educational Consultant and Researcher, International Consultants, Inc., Aurora, Colorado 2003-2004 Consultant/Evaluator, McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program, University of Colorado-Boulder Aguilera, D.E., (2004, July). Four-Year Evaluation Report for U.S. Department of Education, Ronald McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program: “McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program Evaluation Report for 1999-2003; Progress and Plan Report, University of Colorado-Boulder, 55 pages. 2001 Consultant/Evaluator, Southern Ute and Ignacio Public School District, Colorado Aguilera, D.E. (2001, September). Evaluation Report on the state of public education for Southern Ute students: “Comprehensive Examination of Non-Completion of Education Report: Building on Commitment and Collaboration to Facilitate Greater Achievement”, Southern Ute Public Education Office and the Ignacio Public Schools, Ignacio, Colorado, 42 pages. 2000 Consultant/Evaluator/Auditor, Migrant Education Program, Kentucky Department of Education Aguilera, D.E., Roberson, M., Gomez, A., and Tille, E. (2001, September). Evaluation (audit) Report for Kentucky Department of Education’s Migrant Education Program’s Quality Control System: “Kentucky Migrant Education Program Evaluation”, Lexington, Kentucky, 54 pages. 2000 Consultant/Evaluator, Pierre Indian Learning Center, Pierre, South Dakota Aguilera, D.E. (2001, May). Comprehensive Evaluation Report on academic program for Pierre Indian Learning Center: “Evaluation, Technical Support, and Professional Development Progress Report”. Pierre, South Dakota, 24 pages. 1999-2000 Consultant/Researcher, McREL, SEDL, WestED, Numerous Reports from CSRD study Aguilera, D.E. (2000). Examining Comprehensive School Reform in Schools Serving Native American Communities: Plan and Progress Report. A report submitted to Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education by Southwest Education Development Laboratory (SEDL), Austin, TX. Aguilera, D.E. (2000). Examining Comprehensive School Reform in Schools Serving Native American Communities: Case Study Report. A report submitted to Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education by Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL), Aurora, CO. Aguilera, D.E. (2001). CSRD Implementation in Native American Sites: Cross-Site Lessons Learned. A report submitted to Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education by WestED, San Francisco, CA. (online publication; Practitioner/Participatory Research Omaha Nation, Nebraska; traveled with 150 students, administrators, families, PBS documentary film producers/directors for the school’s Historical Reenactment of the Tribe’s Last Successful Buffalo Hunt in 1876 1997-1999 Research Associate, RMC Research, Denver, Colorado Aguilera, D.E. (1999). “Examining Title IX Indian Education Programs and Services in Texas Schools.” A summary report submitted to the STAR Center, Texas Schools. Denver, CO: RMC Research Corporation. Aguilera, D.E. (1998). “Supporting Service-learning Through Leadership”, in Billig, S.H. (editor), Building Support for Service- learning. Denver, CO: RMC Research Corporation. Billig, S.H., Kraft, N.P, Roberson, M.E., Aguilera, D.E., Lurie, J.B., Pokorny, N., & Martinez, J. (1997). Linking IASA and Service-learning: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide. Denver, CO: RMC Research Corporation. Foxworth, A., Pokorny, N., Aguilera, D.E., Bauer, H., Knight, D., & McCollum, P. (1997). Creating Family Friendly Schools: A Guidebook for Training-of-Trainers, The STAR Center, Texas Schools and RMC Research Corporation. Aguilera, D.E. (May 1999). Evaluation Report for Taos Pueblo Service-Learning Initiative Program funded by National Corporation for Learn and Serve: “Taos Pueblo Service-Learning Initiative Evaluation”, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, 12 pages. Practitioner/Participatory Research and Evaluation, Professional Development Projects Taos Pueblo Day School, Service-Learning Initiative Program, Outreach Projects, traveled with students and program directors to school communities in Mexico, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Colorado National Demonstration Program Sites for Indian education and service-learning, Denver Public Schools, Project for Indian Education, Colorado, and Taos Pueblo Service-Learning Initiative Program, New Mexico Oklahoma Higher Education Service-learning Partnership Initiative, Stillwater, Oklahoma; Faculty Retreat, Oklahoma Kellogg Foundation’s National Service-learning Initiative’s Research Network; Scholar’s Retreat, Colorado Ministry of Education, Republic of Palau, PREL and RMC Research, Teacher’s Summer Institute 1995-1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Bueno Center, School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; assisting Dr. Margaret LeCompte in research and evaluation projects LeCompte, M.D. and Aguilera, D.E. (1996, January). Year Three Final Product/Process Evaluation Report of the Phoenix Indian Center's Learning Circle Program: "A Partnership between the Osborne School District and the Phoenix Indian Center.” Phoenix Indian Center, Phoenix, AZ, 44 pages. LeCompte, M.D., Aguilera, D.E. Vadeboncoeur, J.A. & Rahm, J. (1996, January). Designing Pro-Seminar Class Using Service-Learning Components in Social Foundations of Education Course (see publication), University of Colorado, Boulder. LeCompte, M.D., Aguilera, D.E. and Murphy, D. (1993, November). Report on Teacher Surveys, Student Surveys, and Student Interviews Assessing an Explanation for High Rates of Student Failure in Monument Valley High School. Kayenta Unified School District, Kayenta, AZ. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2001-current Substitute Teacher, Boulder Valley Schools; Denver Public Schools; Alternative Teacher Licensing Program (teacher licensing process; currently in progress); K-12 schools, taught primarily in ESL classrooms with culturally and linguistically diverse students and special needs student populations 2004 – 2005 Faculty Instructor, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado-Denver. Course Title: Ethnic Diversity in American Literature (taught for two semesters) 1996-1997 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Continuing Education, University of Colorado, Boulder. Course Titles: Introduction to Chicano Studies, History of the Southwest, Chicano Theater, Mythology of the Southwest 1997 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Education, University of Colorado, Denver Course Title: Statistics Lab for Undergraduates and Graduate Students: Research Design & Field Research and Technical Support in Computer Lab using SPSS Software 1996 Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder Course Title: Social Foundations of Education (co-taught with Jennifer Vadeboncouer; new pro-seminar coursework development for undergraduate preservice teachers) 1989-1995 Teaching Assistant, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Course Titles: Introduction to Chicano Studies, History of the Southwest, Chicano Arts and Theater GRANT WRITING EXPERIENCE 2001-2004 Consultant, Grant Writer, Native American Sports Council, U.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, Colorado, ANA and US Department of Education 1998-1999 Consultant, Grant Writer, Colorado Indian Education Association, Denver, Colorado, US West Foundation 1999 Consultant, Grant Writer, Crow Nation, Crows Counting Coup Project, US Justice Department 1995-1996 Graduate Research Assistant, Grant Writer, University of Colorado, Boulder; (see Funded Research and other consulting, grant writing sections below) JOURNAL AND LISTSERV EDITOR EXPERIENCES 2003-2004 Co-editor of a special issue, Examining Culturally Responsive Schools Serving American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native Student Populations, NCCRESt, University of Colorado-Denver. 2006 CAE Listserv Editor, Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE; section of the American Anthropological Association); Two-year editorship. PUBLICATIONS Aguilera, D.E., Lipka, J. and Demmert, W. (Eds., in press). Examining Culturally Responsive Schools Serving American Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaskan Native Student Populations. To be included in a forthcoming special issue of the Bilingual Research Journal on Native language instruction for American indigenous students. Aguilera, D.E. and LeCompte, M.D., (in press). “Resiliency in Native Languages: The Tale of Three Indigenous Communities’ Successes with Language Revitalization and Preservation.” To be included in a forthcoming special issue of the Bilingual Research Journal on Native language instruction for American indigenous students. Vadeboncoeur, J.A.; Rahm, J.; Aguilera, D.E. and LeCompte, M.D. (1996). Building democratic character through community experiences in teacher education. In Learning by Serving and Doing, a special issue of Education and Urban Society, Spring, Vol. 28, No. 2., pp. 189-208. LeCompte, M.D. Aguilera, D.E., Wiertelak, M.E., Fordemwalt, B., and Wilks, S. (1998 [released in 2000]). Re-estableciendo y reforzando los lindes de identidad cultural: El Circulo de Aprendizaje. (The Learning Circle Program for Urban Native Americans: Improving Achievement by Privileging Indigenous Culture. In Calvo-Ponton, Delgado-Ballesteros, and Rueda Beltran, (eds), Nuevos Paradigmas, Compromisos Renovados; Experiencias de Investigacion Cualitativa en Educacion. Mexico, D.F. Universidad Autnonoma de Mexico. Proceedings of the (Mexican) Congress of Educational Research, Universidad Pedagogical Nacional, Mexico, D.F. MANUSCRIPTS IN PROGRESS 1. “Indigenous Students’ Language Rights” book chapter to be submitted to Language Arts editors; the Commission on Language of NCTE. The book is a joint publication between NCTE and Lawrence Erlbaum. 2. “Hazards of Using School Databases in Research” article in preparation for Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis or Harvard Educational Review 3. “Sovereign Rights: The Key to School Reform for American Indian and Alaska Native Students,” article in preparation for American Journal of Education 4. “Who’s Defining Success for American Indian and Alaska Native Students.” Article in preparation for the Journal of American Indian Education. 5. “Indigenous Language Revitalization and Preservation in Public Education,” a book chapter in preparation. 6. “My Story: Identity formation of a multi-ethnic doctorate student,” a book chapter for Mentoring Doctoral Students and Being Mentored,” to be edited by Dr. Margaret LeCompte (initial draft submitted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association, April 2006). 7. “Fostering Resiliency Through Service-Learning: What American Indian Youth Taught Us About Their Lives, Schooling, and Learning,” article based on the Denver Public Schools Middle School Literacy and Service-Learning Summer Program, in preparation for Theory Into Practice or the Journal of American Indian Education. 8. “Becoming Scholars: Implications for Improving Retention of TRIO Students,” (with Ramona Beal), article based on a four-year study of the McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program in preparation for the American Education Research Journal PROFESSIONAL PAPERS PRESENTED SINCE 1991 Aguilera, D.E. (2006). Hazards of Data: Implications of Using a Flawed Accountability System and Bad Data Sources, (initial draft currently submitted for presentation at American Education Research Association, April 2006). Aguilera, D.E. (2006). “My Story: Identity formation of a multi-ethnic doctorate student,” a book chapter for Mentoring Doctoral Students and Being Mentored,” to be edited by Dr. Margaret LeCompte (initial draft submitted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association, April 2006). Aguilera, D.E. (2003). Who Defines Success: Analysis of Competing Models of Education in Schools Serving American Indian and Alaskan Native Students. Research Presentation for National Indian Education Association, Greensboro, NC. Aguilera, D.E. (1997). Creating Family Friendly Schools. Presentation for Regional Parent Involvement Coordinators, Austin, TX. Aguilera, D.E. (1997). Effective Models for Parent Involvement. Presentation for Region I Parent Involvement Institute, South Padre Island, TX. Aguilera, D.E. (1997). Making Sense of 'What Makes Sense': An Overview of Teaching and Learning Practices in Literacy Programs for Migrant Students in Secondary Grades. Presentation for Texas State Migrant Education Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. Aguilera, D.E. (1997). Linking Migrant Education and Service-learning. Presentation for Texas State Migrant Education Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. Aguilera, D.E. & Billig, S.H. (1997). Make Learning Come Alive!: Linking Title IX and Title I with Service-learning Projects. Presentation for National Indian Education Association Conference, Tacoma, WA. Aguilera, D.E. & Billig, S.H. (1997). Action Research. Presentation for National Indian Education Association Conference, Tacoma, WA. Aguilera, D.E. & Billig, S.H., (1997). Students At Promise: Changing the Risk Paradigm. Presentation for National Indian Education Association Conference, Tacoma, WA. Aguilera, D.E. & LeCompte, M.D. (1997). Communities of Learners: Examining Native American Roles in an Urban After-School Program. Annual Society for Applied Anthropologists Conference, Seattle, WA. Aguilera, D.E. (1996). Hate Crimes Against Women in Academe: Struggles with Issues of Domestic Abuse. American Education Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, CAN. LeCompte, M.D, Aguilera, D.E., Wiertelak, M.E., Fordemwalt, B., and Wilks, S. (1996). The Learning Circle Program for urban Native Americans: Improving achievement by privileging indigenous culture. A paper presented at the 6th Simposio InterAmericano de Investigacion Etnograficas en Educacion. Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Juarez, Mexico, June 26. Aguilera, D.E. (1996). Developing Dream Catchers Not Dropouts: An After-School Program Embracing Native American Ways of Teaching, Learning, and Interacting. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. Aguilera, D.E. (1996). Dancing to the Beat of the Urban Drums: Native American Students' Educational Experiences in Urban Public Schools. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. Aguilera, D.E. (1995). Developing a Community of Support for Women in Academe Who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse: Reclaiming Voice and Confidence. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC. LeCompte, M.D. Aguilera, D.E., Wiertelak, M.E., Fordemwalt, B., and Wilks, S. (1995). Restablishing and reinforcing the boundaries of cultural identity: The Learning Circle Program. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Studies Association, Cleveland, OH, November 3. LeCompte, M.D. Aguilera, D.E., Wiertelak, M.E., Fordemwalt, B., and Wilks, S. (1995). Re-estableciendo y reforzando los lindes de identidad cultural: El Circulo de Aprendizaje. Invited keynote presentation (conferencia magistral) at the Third National (Mexican) Congress of Educational Research, Universidad Pedagogical Nacional, Mexico, D.F., October 26. Vadeboncoeur, J., Rahm, J., Aguilera, D.E. and LeCompte, M.D. (1995). Learning in the Service of Citizenship. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 19. LeCompte, M.D., & Aguilera, D.E. (1995). Another One Bit the Dust: Hostile Environments for Women in Academe. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Aguilera, D.E. (1995). Who's Serving Whom and Who's Learning What?: Critical Analysis of Service-learning Programs. National Association for Ethnic Studies 23rd Annual Conference, Boulder, CO. Aguilera, D.E. (1995). American Indian Education: Historical Review and Critical Examination of Contemporary Issues Facing American Indian Students in Urban Public Schools. Master's Thesis, School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Aguilera, D.E. (1994). Service-learning Wows and Woes: Service-learning Experts Learning from Communities. American Educational Studies Association Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. Aguilera, D.E., (1992). Popular Culture's Myth of the American Indian in Romance Novels. Honor's Thesis, Department of Communication, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Aguilera, D.E. (1991). Chicana Poets, Writers, and Artists. 19th Annual Women's Week Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Aguilera, D.E. (1991). Curanderismo: Folkhealing in the Southwest. 19th Annual Women's Week Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. FUNDED RESEARCH Fall 1995 Service-learning Grant, Integration of service-learning components into teacher education course work, Chancellor's Office on Service-learning, University of Colorado, Boulder. (grant writer) Fall 1994 Dean's Small Grant Award, School of Education, University of Colorado. Master’s Thesis: "Dancing to the Beat of the Urban Drums," Project for Indian Education, Denver Public Schools. (grant writer) 1990-1991 Internship, Organizational Communication Research Project, Department of Communications, University of Colorado, Boulder. (grant writer) 1990-1991 International and National Voluntary Service Training Program (INVST), University of Colorado, Boulder. (grant writer) Spring 1990 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Project (UROP), Folklore Project in the Southwest, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado. (grant writer) Summer 1989 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Project (UROP), Chicana Artists, Writers, and Poets Project, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder. (grant writer) OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY AND SERVICE Grant Writer/Consulting, Native Peoples Program, International Habitat for Humanity, Denver, Colorado, grassroots community programs utilizing service-learning design in K-12 schools Grant Writer/Consulting, Alternativa Centro de Investigacion Social y Educacion Popular, Lima, Peru, school-based service-learning and environment program in 300 schools throughout Peru Fulbright Scholarship Program; Ford Foundation--International International and National Voluntary Service Training Program (INVST), University of Colorado, Boulder; Coordinated and designed research project in Kingston, Jamaica, individualized and student group service-learning projects in Denver-Boulder communities at homeless shelters, in after-school programs; daycare and preschool centers, in elementary schools, and a Native American reservation community (Chaco Canyon, Arizona) Consulting, Workshops, and Professional Services Not Otherwise Mentioned Northern and Southern Pueblo Schools Consortia, New Mexico School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder; Examining Mathematics Models in Latino Community Colorado Department of Education, Division of Special Education; quantitative data analysis (SPSS) |