Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 18:29:41 -0500 (EST)
From: Willard McCarty
Many thanks to those Humanists who sent me notes about concordancers and text-analytic software. I have incorporated all the items into my page, again at the URL: Willard McCarty's homepage
Corrections and suggestions about the contents of this page are most welcome. Note that I have incorporated a local copy of Etienne Brunet's page on HyperBase, with his blessing. (Transmission from Nice to Toronto is very, very poor during most of my waking hours; I assume others in N. America have the same problem with trans-Atlantic communication via the Web.)
I would like to continue to solicit contributions to this page, especially in the area of experimental projects, such as that of Antonio Gonzalez-Walker (Cornell). For these it does not matter if the software is available; what does count is that the system actually works and that a coherent description of it is available, preferably (of course) online.
Suggestions about bibliographic items would be welcome too, as long as they are confined to or focus principally on discussion of the software and its functionality rather than on the research being undertaken with them. Wherever online copies of these are available, please let me know.
Finally, I would be grateful if this note were circulated widely.
Willard McCarty
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto
(416) 978-3974
[Willard McCarty asked subscribers of the discussion group Humanist last week about concordance programs and their use in text analysis. His page now lists an incredible variety of concordance programs. If you know of any others or are using one for text analysis, please send your response not only to Willard McCarty, but also to H-CLC. Thanks. BD]
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